A few years back I had the opportunity to learn how to wet felt. I was so excited as I anticipated the workshop. We were told to come with an idea and we would be wet felting a wall hanging. As the workshop began I realized right away that the idea I "came" with was too complex for a first time project. Understanding and experiencing the process of wet felting was a lot and then trying to create a beautiful art piece at the same time was definitely overwhelming. The project was completed that evening and I tried not to be too hard on myself about my less than perfect first try. It worked out that I was soon able to try again and with less jitters was a bit more successful. Because I work with children I wanted to somehow use this new found craft for them. So I reasoned, how about lay the wall hanging down and make a story mat? I am sure that many had already thought of the idea, but it was new to me and I was quite pleased with the concept. Here is an example of one of my story mats.

I liked how this one turned out. The thickness of the finished felt and how much it was felted gave it a nice feel. I also like the unique and abstract shape.
This was inspired by a lovely chicken story that I ordered out of Scholastic, and for the life of me I can't remember the title. However it would be lovely to get out a Minerva Louise book or Chicken Little to go with.
That's a mushroom next to the cave if it's not clear.
The nest is not attached so the children can move it in or out. Please remember that the eggs can be choking hazards for little ones if you decide to make something similar. What felting projects have you been creating lately?
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