Spring Time is for the Birds - A Needle - Felted Nest

In our family, we often give home-made gifts to one another at Christmas time. A few years ago my oldest daughter and her husband combined their efforts to give me a special surprise.  

A Mama Robin!

She found her in a thrift store and when you press her chest she sings.  She, of course, needed a nest for her eggs.  I had some brown batting that was just right.  I also needled three blue eggs for her.  

 I hung some branches from the daycare ceiling that the nest sat on.  Whenever the children asked, Mama Robin would fly down and sing for them.  I decided that she was not a toy that they would play with, so that she could stay special.  They accepted the fact that she stayed on her nest and came to visit them regularly.

The part my son-in-law contributed was a very sweet story.

A Bird Named Robin 

There once was a bird named Robin.  In the daytime she liked to fly over the treetops.  And at night time she liked to settle into her nest.  In her nest she kept three green leaves, three red threads, and three blue eggs.

She loved her blue eggs very much.  When night came she would sit on top of her eggs to keep them warm, and when she left in the morning she would say goodbye to each one.

One day after flying over the treetops, Robin came home to her nest.  She counted all three of her green leaves: one - two - three.  And she counted all three of her red threads: one - two - three.  But when she counted her  blue eggs there only two: one - two...the third egg was missing!

Robin was very worried about her third egg.  She started to look for it in the evening.  She flew to every treetop, but she could not find it in the trees.  Then she looked under every stone, but she could not find it on the ground.  The she  flew around the pond, but she could not find it in the water.

It was almost dark outside.  Robin was sad because she did not think she would ever find her egg .  She started to fly home.

On the way home, her friend Blue Jay called her name, " Robin! Is this yours?"

Robin looked at what Blue Jay was holding in his wings.  It was her blue egg!

"Yes!"  said Robin.  "That's my egg!"  Robin was so happy that she flew around Blue Jay five times!

She took the egg home and put it in her nest with the other two eggs and sat on them all night.

The next morning she said goodbye to the eggs again and went to fly over the tree tops.  When she came back she counted all three of her green leaves: one -two - three.  And she counted all three of her red threads: one - two  - three.  But there were no blue eggs.  Instead she counted three tiny baby birds: 
one - two - three!

I hope you enjoy this delightful story.

Happy Spring!

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